Indirizzo: Via Giovanna Maria Dallari, 2 - 41049 Sassuolo (MO) Italy
Home & Personal Care
Logistics automation for the Home & Personal Care sector
Logistics solutions for cosmetics and home care industry
Consumer habits in the home & personal care sector are constantly evolving, so it is very important to integrate the warehouse with automated logistics solutions flexible and adaptable to the trends of the cosmetic market.
Management of multi-channel flows
Automated warehouses need to be flexible and scalable to cope with different channels such as B2B, B2C and e-commerce. Our automated solutions allow you to align with any changes in business models that characterize the home and personal care industry.
Management of propellant products
Automated warehouses have specific feature that allow to manage propellant products in total safety.
Automated warehouses have specific feature that allow to manage propellant products in total safety.
Adaptability and efficiency
Warehouse automation allows you to manage different types and formats of products ensuring traceability and process efficiency during all the logistical phases.
Your partner for your next automation
We monitor and analyze plant KPIs in real time. We offer after-sales service, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance remotely and on-site.
Our Agilog software improves warehouse management for the fashion sector: it optimizes operations, simplifies order fulfillment processes, monitors the trend of results.
We optimize and modernize infrastructure, systems and processes within a warehouse to restore and improve operational efficiency after several years of use.